Display 1681 - 1720 hits of 7428.
R-maxLik | 1.1_0-1 | noarch | Maximum Likelihood Estimation | Mandrake Other |
R-mboost | 2.1_1-1 | i586 | Model-Based Boosting | Mandrake Other |
R-mclust | 3.4.11-1 | i586 | Model-Based Clustering / Normal Mixture Modeling | Mandrake Other |
R-MCMCpack | 1.2_1-1 | i586 | Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Package | Mandrake Other |
R-MEMSS | 0.9_0-1 | noarch | Data sets from Mixed-effects Models in S | Mandrake Other |
R-mice | 2.11-1 | noarch | Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations | Mandrake Other |
R-microRNA | 1.12.0-1 | i586 | Data and functions for dealing with microRNAs | Mandrake Other |
R-misc3d | 0.8_2-1 | noarch | Miscellaneous 3D Plots | Mandrake Other |
R-miscTools | 0.6_12-1 | noarch | Miscellanneous Tools and Utilities | Mandrake Other |
R-mitools | 2.1-1 | i586 | Tools for multiple imputation of missing data | Mandrake Other |
R-mix | 1.0_8-1 | i586 | Estimation/multiple Imputation for Mixed Categorical and Con | Mandrake Other |
R-mlbench | 2.1_0-1 | i586 | Machine Learning Benchmark Problems | Mandrake Other |
R-mlmRev | 1.0_1-1 | i586 | Examples from Multilevel Modelling Software Review | Mandrake Other |
R-mlogit | 0.2_2-1 | i586 | multinomial logit model | Mandrake Other |
R-modeltools | 0.2_19-1 | noarch | Tools and Classes for Statistical Models | Mandrake Other |
R-mondate | | noarch | Keep track of dates in terms of months | Mandrake Other |
R-MPV | 1.25-1 | noarch | Data Sets from Montgomery, Peck and Vining\'s Book | Mandrake Other |
R-multcomp | 1.2_9-2 | i586 | Simultaneous Inference in General Parametric Models | Mandrake Other |
R-multicore | 0.1_7-1 | i586 | Parallel processing of R code on machines with multiple core | Mandrake Other |
R-mvtnorm | 0.9_9992-1 | i586 | Multivariate Normal and t Distributions | Mandrake Other |
R-network | 1.7-2 | i586 | Classes for Relational Data | Mandrake Other |
R-networksis | 1.4-1 | i586 | Simulate bipartite graphs with fixed marginals through seque | Mandrake Other |
R-nor1mix | 1.1_3-1 | i586 | Normal (1-d) Mixture Models (S3 Classes and Methods) | Mandrake Other |
R-np | 0.40_12-1 | i586 | Nonparametric kernel smoothing methods for mixed data types | Mandrake Other |
R-numDeriv | 2010.11_1-1 | i586 | Accurate Numerical Derivatives | Mandrake Other |
R-nws | | noarch | R functions for NetWorkSpaces and Sleigh | Mandrake Other |
R-odfWeave | 0.7.17-1 | i586 | Sweave processing of Open Document Format (ODF) files | Mandrake Other |
R-org.At.tair.db | 2.6.4-2 | noarch | Genome wide annotation for Arabidopsis | Mandrake Other |
R-org.Hs.eg.db | 2.6.4-2 | noarch | Genome wide annotation for Human | Mandrake Other |
R-org.Mm.eg.db | 2.6.4-2 | noarch | Genome wide annotation for Mouse | Mandrake Other |
R-org.Rn.eg.db | 2.6.4-2 | noarch | Genome wide annotation for Rat | Mandrake Other |
R-org.Sc.sgd.db | 2.6.4-2 | noarch | Genome wide annotation for Yeast | Mandrake Other |
R-oz | 1.0_19-1 | noarch | Plot the Australian coastline and states | Mandrake Other |
R-party | 0.9_99996-1 | i586 | A Laboratory for Recursive Partytioning | Mandrake Other |
R-pasilla | 0.2.11-1 | i586 | Data package with per-exon and per-gene read counts of RNA-s | Mandrake Other |
R-PBSmapping | 2.61.9-2 | i586 | Mapping Fisheries Data and Spatial Analysis Tools | Mandrake Other |
R-pkgDepTools | 1.20.0-1 | i586 | Package Dependency Tools | Mandrake Other |
R-playwith | 0.9_53-2 | i586 | A GUI for interactive plots using GTK+ | Mandrake Other |
R-plm | 1.2_8-2 | i586 | Linear Models for Panel Data | Mandrake Other |
R-plyr | 1.7.1-2 | i586 | Tools for splitting, applying and combining data | Mandrake Other |